Saturday, August 1, 2009

Grounds Crewin it up.

I put together a few benches that were already cut. I also gave them all a nice oil coating.

I named two of the benches after Reesha and Jackie.

They are sitting on the courts watching the kids play and gather for meals. A fine place for any bench to sit.
This week was Brad Abbott's 50th birthday! He's one of the camp directors and has been there for as long as I can remember anyway... This photo was a few weeks ago when a scuba diving pastor took Brad out. Brad's so excited!

This past week I was stung by a Wasp. So I spent the rest of my week killing them! With Bee traps and cans of spray. It's a rough world out there!

I also got to install the new diving board and have the first Jump off it. So satisfying. I was waiting for 3 weeks to do that project. So happy!
I also started the camp fires...with NO lighter fluid. Totaly lagit.

Next week I'm going rock climbing with this one: We were on Grounds Crew together a while ago and we got into some mischief then... I wonder what we will do this week....

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