Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My friend Eric

This is my friend Eric.
When I was in College at Philadelphia University, I rode my bike about 8 miles downtown to the bike shop where I worked. In the winter when it was cold outside, I would stay at my friend Eric & Sean's apt for the weekend so I wouldn't have to ride back in first thing in the morning. This became a bit of a routine for me. Since it was the weekend, the three of us would often go out and have a good time. Most often on First Friday. Or there would be a party...somewhere. This would lead to long nights with good friends.
This particular evening was Sean's birthday. Perhaps his 21st. I don't remember for sure or not...Anyway, we went out and had a wonderful time.

Me, Sean, Matt, Eric, Matt's lady & Rug.

I first met Sean at a show, we would dance and skank the night away. Then we started hanging out outside of shows, eventually I met Eric. I hung out with these guys for about a year and a half. Eric would often wait for me to get off work and we would go to the closest WaWa or corner store to get dinner. He even made me Grilled PB & J once! I felt very honored since he never made food...ever. When Eric and I met he had cancer and went through some chemo which made him loose all his hair, and he became very skeletal. We never talked about it though, I liked to think that that made it seem normal for him. Shortly after New Year's 2005 I stopped hanging out at Sean and Eric's. Andy had moved from Montana and it was somewhat inappropriate to be spending the night with two boys. We hung out maybe once or twice more with Eric, the last time he met up with Andy and I at Sugar Mom's, a bar in Old City that we would often go to.
Two years ago today Eric passed away from Cancer. I'm glad for the time I got to spend with Eric. He was my friend.

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